





If you are referring to automatic renewal set up on a Norton 360 subscription, Norton would try to take out the payment at the end of the current subscription. But as long as who ever is looking after your estate cancels the payment card used for the renewal, Norton will not be able to take any money.


Norton 360サブスクリプションで設定された自動更新について言及している場合、Nortonは現在のサブスクリプションの終了時に支払いを取り込もうとします。 しかし、あなたの不動産の世話をしている人が更新に使用した支払いカードをキャンセルする限り、ノートンはお金を受け取ることができません。

31-Mar-2022 | 3:12PM: takeyukin created Basic question

This is a question for beginners to confirm.

For example, if I lose my life in a traffic accident, will the claim continue?

If the credit contract is canceled even if the bereaved family does not cancel the membership, it will automatically follow

Is it safe to assume that you will not be charged?