Total protect 2009 is a misleading application which symantec reports to be detected on 5th Jan 2009.
Well....I do not believe so .....I downloaded the file from the site........nothing happened from Norton.
I run the installer .......nothing happened .........and on top of that ,it installed successfully.....still nothing
happened from Norton.........WHY ?????????????
When you say it has been detected you should practically detect it and remove it......not just theoretically
say that 'Detections have been added' .
However the software is not capable of accessing the URL it normally accesses during the scanning process
and hence ,I guess, it is not showing the exaggerated report of threats in system.
But what about detection ???????
I have submitted the setup to SSR.
Tracking number is #10216139
XP Sp 2 ,NIS 09, fully updated