I got this virus that my Norton Antivirus program detected. I do a system scan and norton is not detecting it but it still shows up in the unresolved section. Its not doing much to my computer other than i cannot listen to music. Its very annoying and i have downloaded Malwarebytes Anti malware software to try and get rid of the problem. The problem with that is it is not detecting it either. Any suggestions about how to get rid of this annoying thing???
I have Windows Vista and today during a back up to an external drive this wonderful gift shows up in five different files. all mp3 files. I tried the removal tool in safe mode and it doesnt detect the virus but in full scan it shows up again and again and again. And it even showed up in a Symatec temp file. I am pulling my hair out. Any suggestions?
I got this virus that my Norton Antivirus program detected. I do a system scan and norton is not detecting it but it still shows up in the unresolved section. Its not doing much to my computer other than i cannot listen to music. Its very annoying and i have downloaded Malwarebytes Anti malware software to try and get rid of the problem. The problem with that is it is not detecting it either. Any suggestions about how to get rid of this annoying thing???
Do you mean you tried the tool from Quads?
same tool as Quads recomended with no success
I ran this tool four times. I even herded the files into one folder and in safe mode deleted the folder. (holds head in shame) wishfull thinking but to no evail the files magically reappear in a full scan post removal tool running.
I was looking at that in another thread I will give it a try
Ok, please post back so we know what happend
currently scanning…
found lots of tracking cookies didnt see Brisv.
What strange behaviour are you experiencing? Are you able to locate the file? than you are able to send the sample in to Symantyec . Malware Submission
When I attemp to open one of the files to upload it tells me that I dont have permission to. I even tried to drag it over
Just curious. Are you able to reach it within safe mode?
I cannot reach online in safe mode so I cant move them to the symatec folder for upload. At one point I had all the files in one folder and in safe mode it did allow me to move the folder to the recycling bin but when I returned to normal mode the files had returned tothe music folders. This is very frustrating and kind of scary. It seems the more I attempt to kill it the more corrupt my OS is acting though I dont see the virus moving around other than the one time it moved into a symatec temp file.I have run the removal program five times under five different set ups and it doesnt see the virus and I ran full scan post which sees the virus every time. Any other ideas?
I have found this same virus in Norton 360. Tried the same tool in both normal and safe mode. The tool says that Trojan.Brisv.A could not be found. When I do a scan again in Norton 360, it finds 3 entries but cannot delete them.
Have Norton got an answer for this? and how does it get past Norton in the first place?
Could this also be a false detection in Norton 360 scan?
I have been on the live chat then asked to go to symantic.com/removal but then find page not found.
PLZ Help.
I doubt it is false because the files infected wont open unless I mess with them. I dont want to open them. Iam skeered. I got a years worth of school work on this computer. I just want it gone
I tried the symantec tool for this but it says that it was not found. But when i go into the unresolved security risks in my norton program it says that the trojan is there and needs maunal removal. How do i do that?
Yes. I’m glad and sad I found this forum. Sad there is not an answer to my problem yet, but I’m glad because I’m not alone, I also cannot remove this virus. I got my computer into safe mode, and diconnected my internet connection as the instructions said. Even in safe mode that scanner I downloaded cannot find the virus. Then I do a virus scan again and it’s still in my computer somewhere. Perhaps the scanner I downloaded wont look in certain places? Also, how do I find the containing files and folders that has this virus. Break it to me gently, what will I lose on my computer if I don’t fix this file?
You can find the files in the results summary by clicking on the trojan.brisv. Last night I herded them into a folder but since have done stupid things. I now cant find two of the files that were infected. possibly they were deleted at one point. I now have three of them in a folder that the scan sees. I will leave them tere and continue to look for the others to put in there. I dont know anything. possibly they are starting to move around. either way as I catch them I am going to put them in the folder and keep them on a flip drive/ Little bastages. Yup they are moving around one of the files that was infected this AM and last noc is now scanning clean. bleep bleep bleep. Strange thing though. I share this computer with one of my daughters and she claims she didnt download these files. I believe her/ because the files are old downloads that are MP3. Is it possible it came in with recent downloads. I wanna be a Nerd so bad at this moment:)