Trojan.Gen.NPE in PDF

I accidentally clicked on a link a while ago and, as usual, decided to run a scan. It came back with a positive on a Trojan.Gen.NPE in a PDF file that was found in the microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps folder. Was this a false positive or is this a real issue? The File Inside page for Details said Many Users have used this file. Problem is, I've never downloaded a PDF on this PC that I can find in my downloads folders. I attached a pic of the file path that showed up. Running the scan just in case it comes back up but yeah, I've never seen that file before and cannot find anything in my downloads that suggested it.


Edit: I almost forgot, the file was apparently released a month ago. Attaching the other 2 images I took, didn't realize I could do multiple, so only did one.

Please post progress. 

Please post progress. 

or this:

"The location mentioned in the screenshot is used by the Mail app. One of your emails has a malware PDF attached to it. Please find and delete that specific email."

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