Trojan on my computer

Microsoft Support Emergency Response Tool,msert detected Trojan:Win32/Orsam!rts on my computer although Norton has never detected a trojan despite recent full scans. Any one know Symantec's designation of this trojan and how to detect and remove it from my computer? Is there a removal tool available.

Microsoft Support Emergency Response Tool,msert detected Trojan:Win32/Orsam!rts on my computer although Norton has never detected a trojan despite recent full scans. Any one know Symantec's designation of this trojan and how to detect and remove it from my computer? Is there a removal tool available.

I looked in the folder windows\debug and checked the msert log to see what this tool detected as Trojan; it was ss_install.exe that was causing this detection. The culprit is a cabinet file, ss_install.exe, which is Security Scan File, an additional scan tool I received from Symantec. I used this tool a few times then quit using it because it caused problems on my computer. I was keeping this cabinet tool in My Documents,which is where the Microsoft Emergency Response Tool detected it. I now removed this cabinet file from the computer and re-run msert, which did not detect anything malicious. Furthermore,I read about said trojan to find out what, if any, Registry entries it might have created and checked the Registry for these entries; I did not find any, therefore I concluded that my problem is over. Just to mention, my computer is always up-to-date with Microsoft as far as patches are concerned. Norton is always up-to-date.

Thank you for your response. 

Glad to hear you were able to figure it out.


Thanks for letting us know what caused the issue. Others can learn from this.