troubleshooting when installing norton internet security 2012 and language problem

Hello i am Nathan

I bought from a store in Netherlands norton internet security 2012 (upgrade). I still have about 110 days left from the previus version of internet security 2011. First i tried to download from the link <upgrade now> but when it started installing a message came on screen saying : <You need to have windows xp or vista or 7 and because you haven't got them it's incompatible.>

I deleted this download reset my laptop and tried installing from the dvd. The installation stoped at the same point and showed me the same message. I do have windows VISTA HOME PREMIUM and i cant understand why is this happening.


Problem number 2: How can i change the language from DUTCH to GREEK ? I spended hours reading other people's questions and i think that the only option is to download the Greek version, then delet the Dutch version and install the Greek one. Do  i need a link from norton to do that ? I wouldn't dare deleting NIS 2011 only to find out that NIS 2012 is malfunctioning.


Does anyone has any idea how to solve first the compatible problems and then language problems???????


Why can't we be asked during instalation whitch language do we want ??????


I do understand that giving the option of language selection on dvd requires a lot of space, but why can't we choose when downloading the  language that we want ????? This AutoDetectPKg.exe is messing all the process, why ?????
