Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Tha'ts not my real name. I just put it there to avoid confusion like what happened last time...
Anyways I re wrote all that information so hopefully you guys will understand it better.
We had setup Printer Sharing a few months ago when I had a sony vaio notebook after MUCH difficulty and stress. It turned out to be the Norton Internet Security was the issue. We changed the trust control level and that allowed the 2 computers to communicate with each other.
NOW my mom has a dv5t and we also have a family computer (Pavilion a6460t). Both systems are running Windows Vista Home Premium w/SP1 32 Bit. Now we're using NIS 2009 on both of the computer and I'm trying to setup Printer Sharing for her so she can print from her laptop to the printer that's connected thru a USB cable to the desktop computer. However I'm experience difficulty yet again and don't have a clue as to what's going on.
Right now both computers are set to "Private Network" on the Network & Sharing Center.
Network Discovery is ON for both computers.
Printer Sharing is turned ON on both computers.
Password protected sharing is turned off for both computers.
Both the laptop and desktop are connected to the SAME wireless router (Linksys WRT610N).
Also to be clear the Workgroup for both systems is "WORKGROUP"
The laptop's computer name is "JSimpson-PC" and the desktop's name is "SIMPSONFAMILY-PC".
Yet when I go to the Network & Sharing Center and click on "View full map" the map on my the desktop ends up showing ONLY the desktop connected to the router connected to the internet globe. It's like it does not recognize the laptop that's connected to the SAME wireless router (Linksys WRT610N)
I go to the dv5t and I go to Network & Sharing Center, click on "View full map" and the SAME thing happens. The map shows the laptop's PC Name connected to the router connected to the Internet globe. Again it's like the he laptop does not recognize the desktop.
However the network map that appears when I click on "View ful map" for BOTH systems shows the XBox 360 which is connected to the router thru an ethernet cable....
As for NIS 2009 I tried changing the network trust level to FULL TRUST and that didn't change anything...so I don't know what else to do or what's going on.
I tried contacting Linksys thinking it might have to do with the wireless router but they told me that it has nothing to do with them and that I should contact MS or HP. But I was wondering if maybe someone on here who's expert may know something.
I would appreciate any and all help.
Hi CassilineKnight,
I remember your previous issue, and I'm glad you checked the steps you used previously.
I know you are not able to see the "other" computer in the Vista Network & Sharing Center. Are you able to see both computers on the NIS 2009 Network Map?
Can you check that the Windows Firewall is turned off on both computers? NIS should disable that by default, but it wouldn't hurt to check.
If I am not mistaken, this is a new router, correct?
What's up Phil D.
No I cannot see both computers when I look on the Norton Home Network either...it's strange as heck.
I unplugged the ethernet cable from the back of router that comes from my dsl modem, and turned off the firewall on BOTH systems to see if that was the problem.
And they still couldn't see each other on their "view full map" page.
I posted this on another forum and one member told me that it could have to do with the wireless router's security.
Here are the settings under the security tab of my router. Please note that I did not touch them at all when setting up the router.
Okay there are 2 sub tabs.
The 1st one is Firewall
SPI Firewall Protection: Enabled
Filter Anonymous Internet Requests: CHECKED Box
Filter Multicast: Empty Box
Filter Internet NAT Redirection: Empty Box
Filter IDENT (Port 113): CHECKED Box
Web Filter:
Proxy: Empty Box
Java: Empty Box
ActiveX: Empty Box
Cookies: Empty Box
2nd Tab is VPN Passthrough:
PSec Passthrough: Enabled
PPTP Passthrough: Enabled
L2TP Passthrough: Enabled
XP has a deal when you right-click on My Network Places that allows for you to search for a computer by name. I've been able to find computers on a network when I am unable to search any other way. [I would check my son's Vista system to see if it has the same thing, but he's asleep and I don't want to way him.]
Good Morning Cassiline,
Humor me for a moment:
Turn off both computers. Disconnect the power from the router for a full minute.
Power up the router. Once it's up, turn on your computers and see if they recognize each other.
If she's going to do a router reset, she may as well do the whole thing.
Power off the modem and router with all equipment off.
Power on the modem. Wait a minute.
Power on the router. Wait a minute or two.
Power on the equipment.
Is this what you were suggesting, Phil?
Hi mijcar,
That's fine.
It wouldn't hurt to reset the whole network.
That's a thread I put up at a forum for notebooks. Please read thru all of it and you'll see exactly what I've done so far...
I am really getting tired and frustrated wtih this whole process. I've tried calling Linksys and they won't do crap to help me.
Hi Cassiline,
I read your linked thread and I'm disappointed you didn't get much help from Linksys. They said your router doesn't support Printer and File Sharing?
1) Do you have the latest firmware for your new router? Check the Linksys site for your specific router model to see if updated firmware is available.
2) Any chance you the previous Netgear router still around? It would be a good test to see if things work with that.
No they said they won't help me...that its not their concern. That their only concern is if I have an internet connection which I do...
No sold the netgear. And I think the problem is either with NIS or the router.
Yes I have the latest firmware. Very first thing I did.
How do I COMPLETELY disable NIS 2009 firewall.
Can someone at least answer that last question? I just want to make sure that it’s NOT NIS 2009 that’s causing this massive headache for me…
Hi Cassiline,
Open the Main Norton Window and turn off "Smart Firewall".
I know this may not help, but here is a review from someone having the same issue as you are.
Okay well I completely turned off Norton's firewall. I set it to be off for a FULL 1 Hour so that it wouldn't do anything that I didn't want.
And then I shut off my computer and the laptop.
I then waited 15 minutes. I restarted the desktop and the laptop.
I went to the Network and Sharing Center and clicked on "View full map" again for BOTH the laptop and the desktop. AGAIN on the desktop's network map it ONLY shows the desktop, the router, and the internet globe.
On the laptop's network map it ONLY shows the laptop, the router, and the internet globe.
Now just to double check I went (on the laptop) to the bottom left of the screen page and clicked on the Vista globe icon. I typed run in the search box. It brought up the run page. I typed in "cmd" and then it brought up the decades old black windows screen.
I typed in "ping" in the line and pressed enter. That IP address is the address of the DESKTOP.
The response I got back was destination host unreachable. It said that 4 times...
So at this point I'm 99% convinced it's NOT NIS 2009's fault. And that it is either a Windows issue or a more likely a Linksys router issue.
However Linksys is basically refusing to acknowledge that and I don't know how to contact MS or if I'll even get help from them.
To be honest I'm not quite sure...
My feeling is no but again I'm not an expert at all. That's why I've called both Linksys and HP. Just spent about 30 minutes wasting time while an HP rep walks me thru all the settings that I know are CORRECT.
Only to tell me he's stumped and doesn't know what to do. But he'll "email me" if he "finds anything out". I asked if maybe he could contact Linksys to try and find out what's going on but he said at this point he's not sure if it's a Windows problem or a Linksys problem.
If anyone on here has a Linksys WRT610N and is having the same exact problem and SOLVED it let me know please. I'm gonna rest tonight and try to contact Linksys yet again tomorrow.
I have one other thing to try. It's what I would try at this point.
1. Open My Computer and rename each computer and create a new workgroup that they share. You will have to reboot each computer.
2. Go to the computer the printer is connected to, find the printer, right-click and set to share.
See if this helps. I will think more about this while I feed my family.
Really, really good luck. I had hours of problems hooking my son's Vista laptop to a wireless linked printer, but I did finally get it done.
I’ll try renaming the workgroup just to be sure…
Changed Workgroup to “HOME” and still no change in the situation…
What I want to do is come over there and beat some sense into your computer.
But that's just my male side peaking out.
I'll think of this, I promise.