Ok, So i tried to Uninstall my Symantec AntiVirus program (Which i Got from a University) from MY vista PC. I attemped to use the normal Add/Remove Programs way but was then prompted to enter an uninstall password. Because I didn’t know what the Password was, I used the symantec website to take me step by step to remove it manually. I was told that i had to uncheck the “Enable Tamper Protection” Box but I can’t because a Lock by the Administrator has been set. Now what has made me really confused is that I HAVE THE ADMINISTRATIVE RIGHTS OF THE COMPUTER but yet i’m unable to uncheck this darn box. Is there a piece of information I’m missing? Does Local Admin Rights mean something different than “the adminstrator of the computer”? Is there a Master Password that would enable me to follow the Add/Remove Programs way of unistalling it?
Can someone please help me?
----- By the Way, tried calling Techinical Support with the hope of being helped, I was told that the password I should enter was ‘symantec’ in lowercase characters (This didn’t work!!!). I was then told that I needed to get a local technician to uninstall it for me. Now mind you I actually didn’t pay for Symantec AntiVirus because of a deal between the University and me, So why should I have to pay to Uninstall it?------