Two command line questions

I would like to run a script that does a live update, a quick scan and then shuts down the PC.

If I run this I have two problems:

cd C:\Program Files\Norton Security\Engine\
navw32.exe /UPDATE
navw32.exe /QUICK
  1. The UPDATE (LiveUpdate) completes but displays a message box that requires the user to click OK. Is there another switch that I can use to avoid this popup box? (see LiveUpdate.png attachment)
  2. navw32.exe /QUICK - I would like to have the QuickScan also shut down the computer when it completes. This option is available when QuickScan is run manually so I was hoping that I might be able to add another switch here to do that also. (see QuickScan.png attachment)

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Your input would be greatly appreciated.