Two Norton 360 backup questions

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the short answer to Question 1 is that YES Norton 360 2.0 does support DVD-R.  The long answer is that certain drives tend to support different types and brands of media and have different success rates on different types of media.  You did say that Sonic is working for you however.  The brand of media that most drive manufacturers use to test their drives is Verbatim because it is the highest quality.  If you could provide me with the brand and model of your DVD burner i'd be happy to do some research into why you could be experiencing the problem that you're seeing.  An easy way to get this information is to run the Norton 360 v2.0 Diagnostics report (from the main screen click "Tasks" and then "Run Diagnostic Report")


As for question #2.  Norton 360 2.0 only supports having a single backup set per machine.  You could have multiple machines all backing up to N:, but for the single install it will onlyuse a single backup set.  Multiple backup sets (each with their own content and schedules) is something we're definitely add for version 3.0.




Message Edited by adam_schepis on 06-29-2008 10:04 PM


Thanks for the folow up. My PC is an HP a1110n and the DVD drive is "HP DVD Writer 640c". N360 reports that its media type is CD-ROM, even though there was no disk in it. When I try to backup, I use HP DVD-R 16x Lightscribe disks. I hope this lets you reproduce the symptom.


I'm not challenging the statement that "N360 2.0 supports DVD-R" but : is there objective evidence that it truly works as intended? I.e. can someone say "I tried this exact configuration and it works fine for me"?


I'll appreciate any further advice.






Backing up with DVD-R media has been testing. Your exact configuration may not have been tested. One thing to note is that different applications use different writing techniques to actually put the data onto your media. A potential fix for your issue would be to make sure that the firmware version of your writer is up to date.


You can download the latest version of the firmware here. 


Let me know if the problems persist after upgrading the firmware,





[edit: changed long link to hyperlink to avoid forum scrolling issue.]

Message Edited by Allen_K on 06-30-2008 10:42 AM

Adam has a good point about updating firmware since one thing that does is update the media information the drive uses.


I looked up u\your  Pavilion and I note two things


-- it dates back to 2005 prior to VISTA so I presume you updated it; did you run the VISTA compatibility check and have it OK the hardware you have?


-- in the specification for the PC it says:


DVD-R Write Once 8X

and you are using 16x media -- usually this is backwards compatible but see if you can set the write speed for the drive to 8x, or even less, and if that makes a difference.


Otherwise, optical drives are so cheap these days and changing them in a desktop is so easy that you might consider updating the drive to a new faster one, if all else fails!


Another solution could be to backup to the hard drive and then copy out to CD/DVD for safety?


Thanks for the insight. Some more info:

- I have XP. Didn't touch Vista yet.

- 16x media is perfectly fine in this 8x drive. Roxio - Sonic writes to it happily.

- This saga continues... I updated the DVD drive's firmware from version ES04, to QS12. I *believe* QS12 is more recent, based on the downloaded file's date. I also installed an updated version of HP's LightScribe Systems Software and HP's LighScribe Burn Watcher. Maybe it's unrelated snake oil but I thought it shouldn't harm anything.Verified after this "upgrade" - Sonic still writes happily and reliably.

- However, this change made N360 backup worse. Each backup results in a consistent error: "Symantec Service Framework has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". The error signature includes this:

szAppName : ccSvcHst.exe     szAppVer :     szModName : gearaw32.dll
szModVer :     offset : 002c0362

- Changing to another optical drive... fair idea but my 35 years of SW and HW engineering taught me to find the problem first before swapping components; otherwise you're almost guaranteed to mask the symptom while the underlying root cause is still there. And it will come back to bite you...

- Backup to an HDD and then use Sonic to write it to DVD... true this can work but (a) doesn't resolve the N360 problem; and (b) renders useless the whole idea of scheduled, unattended backups.


Hopefully there is more debugging advice somewhere...


I've been around for a while too .... <g>  I did say: "if all else fails"


I'd still suggest trying throttling the burn speed back to 8x or less to see if that does solve the problem.


Adam did make some diagnostic suggestions in his first reply but if you check threads elsewhere here you will see that:


"Symantec Service Framework has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience".


is a known problem. It's not something I've encountered myself but it may be more to do with that than the actuall burning operation? So I'd suggest hanging in here since Norton are extremely helpful.


I mean no disrespect [re: being around for a while...] and I do appreciate your input.

The burn speed is already throttled by the underlying SW to something between 5x and 6x. So this is not the issue. Besides, I don't know how to throttle it anyway [is there an option somewhere]?


"hanging in here since Norton are extremely helpful..."- I sure hope so. The Symantec folks on this discussion group do sound helpful, intelligent and knowledgeable (keep up this good work, guys) but my encounters with the online tech support were at the other end of the spectrum...


Still waiting for a good solution. I keep hearing about N360 V3.0 and how it will solve so many problems. OK, fine, my appetite is sufficiently wet, what's the ETA?



<<  Besides, I don't know how to throttle it anyway [is there an option somewhere]? >>


I don't backup direct to CD/DVD -- don't know how I'd do that on an automatic unattended schedule in case it filled more than one disk? That's why I backup to an external hard drive and burn from that to disks as needed -- does N360 contain burning software and if so can you set it to break the save down into CD ro DVD sized portions?


When I burn I use Nero mostly although I have Roxio also and there you can set the burn speed to Auto or you can set it to specific speeds.


Have you had a look at the threads on that specific error message you quote about Framework?


I would expect Adam to come back since he's posted to you here twice.


I've no idea of what Norton plan for the future of Norton 360 -- I've seen the same remarks as you have.


I don't know the exact date that N360 v3.0 will be out, but the last 2 versions shipped in February so its a fair guess that it would be in the 1st quarter of 2009.  In the meantime, this crash doesn't sound very good. gearaw32.dll is a DLL that has to do with CD/DVD burning.  I'm going to message you privately (see the little envelope icon in the upper right area of the page) and we can figure out a way to get the crash dump and logs so that we can do proper analysis of the issue.


