Unable to change network from public to private

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Issue abstract:

Detailed description:

Norton 360 has set my network connection to public and restricted traffic. I cannot change it to public. How do I change it to private? Clicking on the “private” button has no effect.

Product & version number: Norton 360 Advanced

OS details: Windows 10 64 bit

This seems a known issue. Occasionally I get this appearing. Clicking button does nothing, Advanced Settings, Smart Firewall, Network, is in theory, where you can also change it. You cannot. History report will show it cannot find a network. A restart/reboot will hopefully come up OK with Private now current, you will also now be able to change in the settings. V24 has still a long, long way to go, no doubt you have seen the amount of postings in this forum all about numerous issues.

Curious, how is your network = Unidentified?
Um, is Unidentified the name of your network?
Um, is Unidentified due to Virtual Network Adapter?

Caveat: I’m not familiar with VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter

fwiw ~ Configuring Virtual Network Adapter Settings

The label “Unidentified” has been assigned by Norton, not me.

Screen shot from History 28th December 2:27 pm was boot, must have restarted at 5:02 pm when realised on Public. - this is the problem - you don’t get any notification - only aware if you open GUI
If I remember, I try & check shortly after boot/restart, in which case, normally connects then properly.to Private without any changes.

I cannot include screen shots in reples. On the Norton welcome screen in the centre third there is a message thus: “We’re restricting trafic on this network. You appear to be on a public network, so we increased your security” (I’m not) Below this there is a large button of black on yellow text thus: “Change to Private”. Clicking on said button has no effect.

Edit: if I change the network control (under security/advanced/Smart Firewall) from “Smart Mode with Notifications” to “Windows Settinsg Mode” I can change the status of the unidentified network to “Private”.

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Okay…my network name was assigned, by me.

might your “Unidentified” network be due to Virtual Network Adapter?
Caveat: I’m not familiar with VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter

Oh okay. Thanks

I ran into same issue with running 2 x Killer E2500 1Gb NICs in “Bridge” mode (Adapter Description is reported by Norton as “Microsoft Network Adaptor Multiplexor Driver” which I assume is a virtual adapter). With the 2 x 1Gb NICs in “bridge” mode, it was restricted and won’t connect my mapped drive to my NAS. Prior versions of Norton (I don’t know version what I was running prior to v24.xx), this issue wasn’t present. Dropping to a single NIC or disabling the smart firewall allows the map drive to work as expected under v24.xx.

I think I tried changing from “Smart mode” to “Windows Settings mode” at the time but it didn’t help. If I get the chance, I’ll give it another go as I reported this back in October and things might have changed.

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FWIW. Has anyone looked at their network settings in Windows to change its type to private there?