unable to copy system drive

I am trying to clone my hard drive to samsung hdd using norton ghost 15. and getting below error. 

-Error EC8F17B3: Cannot complete copying of SYSTEM_DRV (*:\) drive.
--Cannot copy source drive to destination location.
---Error E7C30010: Device \\.\PhysicalDrive1 cannot write 8192 sectors starting at LBA 2048.
----Error EBAB03F1: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
---Cannot copy source drive to destination location.
----Error E7C30010: Device \\.\PhysicalDrive1 cannot write 8192 sectors starting at LBA 2048.
-----Error EBAB03F1: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.



anyone any thoughts? it is frustrating i spent 50 bucks for this software and the error message it gives is useless.


Steps I have followed: (I have windows 7 machine)

  • connect ssd to my laptop thru usb; made sure it is online.
  • copy the system drive first (so i can copy partitions later)
  •  under “Advanced Options,” selected the following:
  •               Checked Set the drive active (for booting OS)
  •              Checked Copy MBR
  •               Selected Primary Partition under “Destination partition type”
  •                For “Drive Letter,” select <none> since it is system partition