Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
I am unable to delete any files from norton backup and i was hoping somebody here might be able to help.
I am using norton v2 and i am having the same problem on 2 computers, one of which is running vista and the other is xp
i have managed to fill my online storage and i would like to delete the files there so that i can run the backup again with just the files i want backed up.
ok, so here are the steps i have followed to delete my backup. I loaded the norton 360 main window, clicked on settings, backup settings, then selected online storage, after a short time this shows the various locations that can be used to backup, i highlight secure online storage and then click on delete previously backed up files, when i do this i get the following message "no backups were found on this media"
I have emailed support several times and recieved responses very quickly but each thing they have suggested has failed to solve the problem, the first was to backup a single file then try again.
In the second email i was told to upgrade to v2 as I was using v1
In the third email i was told "We have checked our database and did the necessary steps.I suggest you to now check for the issue" I was not told what these steps were but i tried again and again the same problem.
In the fourth email I was told to do the following
Step 1:
Start Windows with only Microsoft and Symantec programs and services running
1. Click on Start > Run.
2. Type the following and press Enter.
3. On the General tab, click Selective Startup.
4. Uncheck Process SYSTEM.INI File, Process WIN.INI File, and Load Startup
Items. Check Load System Services if it is not checked.
5. On the Startup tab, uncheck all of the files except ccApp
6. On the Services tab, check Hide all Microsoft Services. Then look at
the names in the list. You need to compare them with the list of names
that follow in this step. Only the names shown on this page should remain
checked on the System Configuration Utility Services tab. Any names that
are now displayed on the Services tab but are not in the list that follows
should be unchecked.
Symantec Settings Manager
Symantec Event Manager.
Symantec Network Proxy.
COM Host
LiveUpdate Notice Service (You may ignore this item if you are unable to
find it in the list of services)
Symantec Core LC
7. Click Apply and then click OK
8. Click Restart.
Step 2:
Restore the computer to its original settings
1. Click Start > Run
2. Type the following and press Enter.
3. Click Normal Startup.
4. Click OK
5. Click Restart
I have now done this and i still have the same problem.
I have read other peoples posts about there not being an option to delete all files and having to select them one by one, but i don't even get that, all i get is there there are no backups, yet the backup destination states that 2.5gb have been used
just in case i decided to backup a single file again. this created an even stranger problem than i had before.
a couple of days ago they increase my storage so that i could backup again even tho i could not delete, leaving me with 4.5gb of space, after i backed up a single file which was 2.3mb i am now left with 740.4mb of space, from 4.5gb to 740mb after a backup of 2.3mb is a bit strange don't u think, and yes it was definately only one file of 2.3mb i have checked. and i still can not delete anything, it just says no backups found
That’s strange. Please be sure that only one file from a specific category is selected for backup. Click on the category after adding a file, just to be sure that no other files are selected.
there was definately only one file, i unchecked all but one box then went into the folders in that box and unselected all but one file
what has made me even more frustrated is that i recieved an email today stating the following.
"I understand from your message that you are still facing issue with deleting the data using Norton 360 program and you are receiving an error message “ not enough space” while performing backup .
In order to resolve the issue I have added free 5 GB storage space in our server. So I suggest that please try to perform backup now"
they added mopre storage the other day, now they have added 5 more giving a total of 12gb. yesterday before i tried another backup of 1 file i had used 2.5gb after i backed up a 2.3mb file it said i had 740 mb left, now i have 5.7 gb left out of 12 which means i am supposed to have used 6.3gb.
i have only backed up photos, there are 578mb of photots on my laptop and nearly 1gb of photos on my desktop, meaning less than 2, i have back up only these photos and NOTHING else yet backup says i have used 6.3 gb, and i can still not delete files,
Do support actually know what they are doing, do they even read the responses to my mails as in each mail i have said i cannot delete previously backed up files and all they seem to do is throw more storage at it. This is not good enough, especially as when i do back something up it says i have used more than i have,
Hi richieboy,
I sent you a PM regarding this issue. Please follow up if there's anything else I can help with specifically.
That's strange. Apparently you have reinstalled Norton 360, if you cannot delete previously backed up files. I had the same problem, but after the first backup, I was able to delete any files I've previously backed up. Try to backup some small files and be sure that any other files are excluded from backup. For example, uncheck all cathegories for backup and add a single file (through manage backup). If other files are automatically selected from the same cathegory, uncheck them. Run a backup and try to delete files again.