Unable to install HP Officejet 8500 all in I wireless printer because of norton firewall

just  spent  3  hours  plus another  2  hours with an HP rep trying to link this  printer wirerlessly through a  linksys router. The  issue seems to beat  the  windows 7 firewall which  is  controlled  by the Norton software. According to the  documentation and the  HP rep I need to free  up incoming  UDP ports137,138,161,427   and  outgoing  TCP ports 137,139,427,9100,9220 and 9500 for the   printer/scanner/fax combo to work wirelessly. How do I go about  doing this  or  is there a patch? HP have  given me a ticket  # and they'll install it  for  me  once  I get the nortonm issue resolved. Help!

