Unable to launch ccApp.exe manually in NSW 2009

Ok just a little prob:

Recently updated to NAV/ NSW 2009...Yay ...i think...is very pretty new UI.

Problem: When shutting down unnecessary EXE's in taskmanager

one of the rundll.exe's apparently is what the former ccApp.exe was.


So now i have 3 rundll.exe's running in my taskmanager:

1 is a Thumbs.DB

2 is Nvidia control panel

3 definitely has something to do with norton av tray icon

normally with my previous version of NAV/NSW i would click

run new task in TM type ccApp.exe and all was good...not so with this current new upgrade.


Well anyway the uninstall/upgrade reinstall was a real treat but figured it out eventually.


So does anyone know the name of the exact exe i need to browse to in order to get the NAV

tray icon to activate?

At the moment all is good but this rundll.exe which ever it is i cant identify which is the norton one and which is the

nvidia one.

I think i will take a chance and rename the nvidia rundll.exe


and one more question after i uninstalled the previous version of 2007 2008 norton products this devil begins to run:


wscntfy.exe= windows security center update notify exe it is very annoying.

anyone know how to make it go away and quit demanding i re enable it or restarting my pc frequently?



[edit: changed subject to better reflect thread topic]