As of yesterday i updated my copy of Norton 360 online to the new and improved version. It seems I have made a large mistake.
Upon restarting the computer I was immediately unable to log into my Identity Safe profile. Baffled, I attempted to log into my Norton Account, which went smoothly. I then tried IS again. Nothing. I tried clicking the password hint and it came up blank. It seemed as though everything had been wiped.
I ran Live Update and rebooted. Nothing. I changed my Account password to see if I still could. Account password was changed successfully but still no access to IS. Read through the forums to find a couple of users with the same problem but no real usable 'solutions'.
I still have almost a year of subscription time, so it's not that. I've run Autofix and Liveupdate and nothing helps. When I finally gave up and tried to simply wipe the old IS and reset it with a new IS account an error box pops up saying 'The system has encountered an unexpected error. Unable to set up Identity Safe. Please try again later.'
Support isa joke. Directed to a page that can't help (as I can't reset Identity safe), a chat serivice that has me typing to an ineffectual AI, and I've been waiting an hr and a half for chat support with a real person. And this is not the first time that updating Norton has brought down the whole browsing experience for me.
Any help would be much appreciated.