From the top...I would like to verify my website, http://www.threadtoolsupply.com with Norton Safe Web. I have signed up for my account, received the e-mail with html file to insert into the root directory of my web site, and have placed that file there. When I attempted to visit the hyperlink where the file should be, I was redirected to the hope page of my site.
I called my shopping cart provider/hoster, 3dCart (http://www.3dcart.com) and spoke with one of the tech support reps. He told me that the last two characters of the hyperlink that Norton has provided me "-0" are actually the same characters that they use for their internal directory so essentially the system does not allow that.
So, I'm not sure if I can get a file from Norton that has a different chracter ending prior to the .html or if I should just do what I see has been recommended to others that are not able to generate this file - put the code given into my keyword meta tag.
I have done the latter and placed it in my home page keyword meta tag visible at http://www.threadtoolsupply.com . Please let me know if this shall suffice or if you recommend another method. I hope to clarify this for others that use 3dCart as their shopping cart/hosting provider so if we can set a standard, I'm sure that will save everyone time going forward.
Finally, as I am an e-commerce site, shall I wait to send my e-mail to verify my shopping cart (i.e. http://www.symantec.com/norton/support/kb/web_view.jsp?wv_type=public_web&docurl=20090410134005EN ) until I receive the website verification or can I/should I just send it now?
Thanks in advance!