Unauthorized action block MRT.EXE

Three consecutive attempts to access Norton files were made by C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MRT.EXE and one by by C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SERVICES.EXE  This happened during me downloading Microsoft updates which might sound normal, but why the 3 consecutive attempts? Maybe this is normal and I'm being paranoid but I just dont trust Microsoft and it's buggy OS. I just downloaded 14 security updates, and this after Microsoft released an unscheduled serious security update patch a week or so ago. I'm wondering if this is related to the Windows Malicious software removal tool, any ideas anyone?



MRT.exe is Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal Tool, what is downloaded as a Windows Update every month. And during it's scan it scans Norton's files as well, and because of that Norton's own protection system is reporting to the History that some service/application tried something with it's files even if it was just a simple "virus scan". That's all. Nothing to worry about. :)

Check this:




O.K thanks guys.

Hello, I just downloaded the Windows Updates today and I noticed what this post was talking about.The rating of severity is medium. Just checking since this is an older post-there is nothing to worry about, right? Paul

Hello Paul


MRT gets downloaded every month with Windows Updates and behaves in the same way every month. It's nothing to worry about. It's just Norton protecting itself.