Under Network Security Map Antiphishing Value is Off

I choose My PC

Category: Desktop PC

I Click Details:  scroll down to AntiPhishing and the value is OFF.


Doest NIS 2012 provide automatic antiphishing techonology for networking a workgroup.  Then how do I go about to turn on antiphishing.

shazam have you checked the settings in the Norton GUI ? Go to Settings/Web/Safe  Surfing, and check that AntiPhishing is set to ON. If so, you are protected.

Thank you F4E for you response.


I followed your instructions and found Antiphishing turned ON.


This morning, a red screen appeared on my desktop.  Norton discovered Blood Hound.MAIPE on my system.  It has been removed.  I submitted the following report to Norton.  


Filename: a0021131.dll

Threat name: Bloodhound.MalPEFull Path: c:\system volume information\_restore{9587d7ef-11a3-459a-8c8e-298a5bf5e779}\rp172\a0021131.dll





Unknown Community Usage,  Unknown Age,  Risk High



Downloaded from




Actions performed: 2





On computers as of Not Available

Last Used 9/28/2013 at 10:02:06 AM

Startup Item No

Launched No






It is unknown how many users in the Norton Community have used this file.



This file release is currently not known.



This file risk is high.


Threat type: Heuristic Virus. Detection of a threat based on malware heuristics.






Source: External Media





File Actions


File: c:\system volume information\_restore{9587d7ef-11a3-459a-8c8e-298a5bf5e779}\rp172\a0021131.dll


File: c:\system volume information\_restore{9587d7ef-11a3-459a-8c8e-298a5bf5e779}\rp172\a0021136.exe





File Thumbprint - SHA:


File Thumbprint - MD5:

Not available


This surprises me, yesterday before shutting down I performed a CCleaner and Malwarbytes Anti-Malware scans.  Plenty of malware was removed, last scan was in June.  Funny how this file was not found anytime between June and now.  How long was it in there?  


I will become more diligent.  My PC's continues to slow to a crawl at times.  But that may be from running Win XP professional.  I use this OS for networking and sharing programs for office computers.  My boss is a real penny pincher.  I am concerned that I may be vulnerable in the future.  Will hv to convince boss to increase budge for IT.  This is a small business, nothing in terms of logistical giant.