UPDATING Android Phone

Hi, Recently updated subscription to 360 deluxe, which seems to be OK.  However, when trying to update android phone app (using the link provided) it indicates there is an annual charge, which was not included in the original  plan.

Have questioned with contact centre, without a proper explanation.
My problem being I do not have adequate tech experience to understand the why's and wherefores of the system.
Did try downloading 'rescueplus' but this did not solve the original query.
Please can anyone provide basic info for a solution.   Thanks.

Thanks for the details. Was there a Sign In prompt? That would also have taken you to your Norton Account to activate the app.


Hi,  The problem was eventually solved by an agent who took the initiative to take the process, one step at a time.

However, at no stage of the process was there a reference to " I already have a subscription" but no payment details were requested upon completion.

Currently, there are no further issues on Android phone.

Thank you for your interest and help.

Thanks for posting back. Could you post what Support did for you to resolve the issue. This may help others in the future.


Thank you for the help.   Just for info.

Have been Norton Customer for 19 years but only added to phone in last 4 years.   When recently renewed the Norton Cover (now 360 deluxe) my account showed 5 license (prev 10) of which only ONE for the PC had been used.  Seeing this, I believed a new installation was required for phone, so used account link to phone and tried D/L it.
Having done so, problems surfaced.
Since been to Norton chat on several occasions (over many hours) have now had the issue resolved.

Thank you for your help and input. Unfortunately (due to age) technology passed me by!

Thanks again.

When you originally purchased 360 for your Android device, did you purchase directly from Norton or did you purchase after installing from the Google Play Store? If from the Google Play store, you will need to cancel that subscription so the app does not try to pick up that subscription. 

If you paid the App Store for the subscription for your device, you need to request the refund from there, and cancel that subscription. 

For Android subscriptions...https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2479637?hl=en

Then you will need to uninstall 360 and restart your phone before installing again from the Google Play Store. Then you should see the I have a subscription or a Sign in prompt.


Thank you for the info.  I did note the reference to "i already have a subscription" but this does not appear when using the link generated from my account (Norton) for the mobile.  When originally installed the "I already have a subs"  it did show.

I have downloaded and deleted Norton on 2 occasions recently, but still no "have a subscription.

Apologies for the time taken, but "tech" is not my best topic.  Being 80+doese not help!

One point regarding "additional payment" when asked to sign in to agree, it would not process, and I question if the payment goes to Norton or Google.  if the latter, then that would explain.   Noted amongst reviews, others have raisewd the issue for extra charges.


Hi, Recently updated subscription to 360 deluxe, which seems to be OK.  However, when trying to update android phone app (using the link provided) it indicates there is an annual charge, which was not included in the original  plan.

During the installation of 360 Android, look for a "I already have a subscription" or "Sign In" link and tap on that. Doing that will take you to your Norton Account and activate the mobile app using your existing subscription.



Hi, Recently updated subscription to 360 deluxe, which seems to be OK.  However, when trying to update android phone app (using the link provided) it indicates there is an annual charge, which was not included in the original  plan.

We'll ask our Mobile Master to chime in.  


In recent times, I have received communications from Norton, quoting UK telephone numbers (where I am based) which when checked on "who phoned me" website, indicate that numbers were spam.   

Contact Norton Support - United Kingdom


Thank you for your interest.

I did initially contact Support to renew subscription without a problem.  However, when contacting the next day regarding mobile update, the support did not go well.  I explained I was NOT tech savvy, so needed extra help.  Eventually I was requested to Google "rescueplus" (on mobile) and let agent know. Within 45 seconds of his instruction, the convo was terminated by the agent.
In recent times, I have received communications from Norton, quoting UK telephone numbers (where I am based) which when checked on "who phoned me" website, indicate that numbers were spam.   Did send one such mail to Norton, but no response.  Having been 'duped' once, I check most info carefully.
Be interested in your view.

Norton Official Support is via Chat or Phone.  No Email support.
Have you tried contacting Norton via Chat or Phone?

Contact Norton Support 

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What's your geo-location/country?  Are you United States?
Maybe, I can post Norton Official Support phone number, if you want. 

nickolas grim:

can anyone tell me why i cant reach customer support chat are get any help from norton with this issue that is bothering many other users 
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can anyone tell me why i cant reach customer support chat are get any help from norton with this issue that is bothering many other users 

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