Upgrading My Norton 360 Subscription from 3 Licences to 5

Issue: Upgrading No of licenses of my 360 subscription

Product & version number
Norton 360 Deluxe (3 Users)
How do I revert to 5 Users License? That option wasn’t visible anywhere on the site
The Chat support was frustrating

Could anybody guide me?

Maybe, purchase 5 devices subscription and request via support…new term added to current term.

Best to discuss how to add protection for more devices via support.
Best to discuss “all subscription issues” via support.

~ this process [here] works for me to reach: live agent
Norton support via Social Support | Chat | Phone [here]

Thank you for your help!

I did somehow manage to Upgrade my Plan by going to my Account, going to my Subscriptions, selecting 360 Deluxe, Explore Features. It led me to an offer to upgrade to 5 devices, which I promptly availed

Not sure, if I can locate that route again, it is so layered and obtuse!

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Oh okay. Thanks for posting your progress.

for example: