Used Ghost 14 to clone, now Master boot disk no longer works! HELP!

hi, I used Ghost 14 to make a clone of my laptop drive, the clone works but now the master drive does not!

I did the clone by taking both drives and hooking them up (both via usb) to a different computer, I was SURE that my laptop drive was the master and the blank drive was the slave. I did the clone. I then took the clone drive and put it in my laptop and my laptop works. I then put the master disk into my laptop and it freezes on the way in, it freezes about 45 seconds after I press the power button, for a moment it looks like it’s going to work then it freezes on a blue screen (what is normally the Welcome screen) with a windows logo and the words Windows XP under it.

any thoughts on what happened to my master drive? how can I get it to work again?

I tried safe mode, froze in the same place.
