I had to reinstall Norton 360 v5. Now it shows only the default backup set, whereas I had a couple of different backup sets defined prior to the reinstall. The backups themselves are still on my external drive, but how do I make them available in Norton so that I can choose to run them again
I had to reinstall Norton 360 v5. Now it shows only the default backup set, whereas I had a couple of different backup sets defined prior to the reinstall. The backups themselves are still on my external drive, but how do I make them available in Norton so that I can choose to run them again
Previously I had many backup sets defined, e.g. Picturer09, Pictures10, Pictures 11, Documents office, Documents private, Documents church etc.
Norton then had a problem and I removed it with the removal tool, then reinstalled it. Now the only backup set is the default one. So I add pictures and documents to my PC and want to back them up by running the appropriate backup set. How do I get Norton to show those custom backup sets again? I do not want to restore the files, just add new files to the previously defined backups.
The previous backups are still on the external disk, but they do not appear in Norton now.
I hope this is more clear?
Hello Joeboy69
Custom backup sets created initially will not appear after an Complete Uninstall / Reinstall of the product.
You only have the option to restore those files.
Thanks for the confirmation, I will redo the custom sets. The only reason I made them to start with, was that the backups became very large and slow, and my PC (Win7x64 with 4Gb RAM) used to crash while doing it :-(