I have the above product on my lap top but notice I cannot run the disk defragment utility. Is there a reason for this? The utility is available in Windows and shows the hard drive 5% fragmented. Is there a threshold over which the Norton utility 'kicks in' ?
Too much use of the defrag feature just puts unnecessary wear on your drive. If Norton sets its defrag level to 10 % before defragging, they are probably just using what they feel is best practices to help save your hardware.
With the speed of current computers and their hardware, defragging does not yield the performance gains it did with older systems. So it is not as necessary.
Thanks but I have a 'regular' HDD. I have been able to run the Windows defragment but not the one that's in the Norton Utilities product. It's just odd why I can run the Windows utility and not the Norton one. There's nothing in the Norton Help files. I'll just close the query. Thanks for the help tho'.
Does your laptop have a SSD hard drive, or a regular spinning disc drive? The SSD will not defragment and Norton Utilities recognises SSD's and turns off the defragment feature.
If you do have the regular hard drive, then there must be some threshold for fragmentation before the feature will kick in. It may use the suggested amount of 10% noted in this article from Microsoft on defragmentation. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/ways-to-improve-your-computer-s-performance-c6018c78-0edd-a71a-7040-02267d68ea90