Vault Password Randomly Alternates Between Two Values!

Let me start by stating this is not a particular problem for me as I remember both passwords, but it may be a reason behind the issues some people have with their vault access.


I've used Systemworks for many years and about six months ago took out my second renewal on N360 (Multi Device - 3 User as is available here in Australia) i.e. this is my third year on N360.  When I renewed this time the vault password I'd previously used was no longer considered good enough and required the use of at least one capital letter and one special character.  I modified my existing password to meet the new requirements and away I went.  All fine!


Sometime a month or so later my vault password stopped working, so at one point in desperation I tried my previous password (without the capital or special character) and it worked!! That old setup also had a difference in that it requires me to re-enter my vault password before it will fill in my logins for any site, whereas when I set the new one up I'd got tired of that so as long as the vault had already been opened it would automatically sign me in.


All was good for another month or two when that suddenly stopped working out of the blue. Guessing what had happened this time I tried my newer password (capital letter and special character) and that worked again.  All has been fine until tonight but when I went to open the vault the new(er) password no longer worked and I was back to the old(er) one again, along with having to re-enter it for every site I need the vault to log me in on.  That in itself I know I can easily change but I'm using it to illustrate the fact that the vault password and settings are randomly (to me at least) alternating between two different sets of values.


I don't believe anything I have done has led to this happening as I'm basically just a normal computer user who does nothing but log on for email, internet etc.. I do tend to usually just hibernate my desktop pc so most of the time I don't have to log into the vault again, but it does have a problem (heat related I suspect) where it will just randomly crash (can go a week fine and then crash a couple of times in a day) so I do have to log into the vault again.  Also occasionally it won't recover from hibernation and needs to be rebooted.


That's what happened earlier tonight. It came up for a few seconds after hibernation but then shut itself down again. I restarted it and when I tried to open the vault it required my old password again, whereas for many weeks it's required the new one.


As I said, it's not an issue for me but may be behind the problems some people have when they find the password they've been using for the vault suddenly no longer works.


