Vivint Doorbell microphone disabled with Norton 360 Safe Web Connected

I’m having a problem with Norton 360 Safe Web VPN and my Vivint camera doorbell. The VPN is disabling the microphone in the Vivint app.

When the Safe Web VPN is ON, my Vivint Doorbell camera doesn’t work properly. The microphone is DISABLED and I’m unable to speak with visitors through the camera.

A temporarily fix is to turn OFF the Safe Web VPN. The microphone will be ENABLED and I can speak to visitors through the camera.

I’m simply turning the VPN off and on using the VPN toggle switch in the IPhone settings. But Safe Web shouldn’t be disabling the microphone.

If I turn the Safe Web VPN back ON, the microphone stops working. The microphone shows that it’s disabled. This is an easily reproducible problem.

I would like to use the Vivint doorbell camera microphone and speak to visitors while the VPN is ON and not have to keep turning the VPN off.

Is there a way to create an exclusion in the Safe Web VPN app to exclude the Vivint app or the iPhone microphone?

I tried to upload a JPEG to show you the error I’m seeing but I get an error.

My version of Norton 360 is:

iPhone 13 Pro Max
iOS version: 17.7 (21H16)

Thank you!

Warmest Regards,

First I would like to clarify just what feature you are turning off and on. On iOS devices, both the secure VPN and the Safe Web feature show the VPN icon in the notification area. They are two separate features that are controlled separately from within the 360 app. Neither feature should be controlled from the iOS settings. See instructions to send logs from mobile devices here. Send reports if Norton 360 app encounters an error on your mobile device When sending the logs, in the Support Case number section enter your forum username and in the comments section post a link to this thread… If you do send logs post back here and I’ll let my contacts know to look for your logs.

From your description it sounds like you are turning off the Safe Web feature. This feature has been known to interfere with other apps. If you can gather and send logs to Norton it will help them diagnose this issue you are seeing.

I can’t seem to attach images here. So I uploaded them to Imgur.

In my VPN settings on iOS I see two VPNs. One is called Norton 360 Safe Web and the other one is called Norton 360 Secure VPN.

The Safe Web VPN is always ON and the Secure VPN is always OFF as you can see by this snapshot of the iOS settings screen here:
imgur. com/a/UoIx0I5

When I turn the Safe Web VPN OFF in the iOS settings, the microphone becomes enabled and works. But when I turn the Safe Web VPN back ON, the microphone doesn’t work and displays as disabled. Here is a snapshot of what the doorbell camera looks like with the Safe Web ON and OFF.
imgur. com/a/S2Wnh4u

The only way to get the doorbell microphone to work is by turning off the Safe Web VPN in the iOS VPN settings. Remove the space before the “com” part of the link. I’m not able to send links or images in this support interface.

First thing. Do not try to control the Norton features from the iOS settings. You should be using the controls in the 360 app.

The Safe Web is not really a VPN. That is just the way that Norton has to access the necessary iOS programming API’s to provide the Safe Web feature.

As I suggested above, the Safe Web feature does appear to be causing issues with your doorbell app. So please use the instructions I gave above to gather and send logs to Norton. Then post back here and I’ll get the information to my Norton contacts.

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