VPN does not receive Virtual IP

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Issue abstract: Since upgrading from V22 to V24, VPN connects but does not receive a Virtual IP address. Access to the internet is blocked without the virtual IP.

Detailed description: Prior to the upgrade, the VPN worked. The PC in question is running Windows 10. I have run Live Update. I have tried the troubleshooting utility and the remove and reinstall utility. I have deleted and reinstalled the WAN Miniport drivers. I have tried all of the different VPN regions. I have set DNS to look at and (and the IPV6 equivalents). I have restarted the pc. I have flushed the DNS cache. I have tried setting the metric to 15. Nothing seems to resolve the issue. Why does the VPN “connect” but not receive a virtual IP?

Product & version number:Norton 360 Deluxe, current version of 24

OS details: Windows 10

What is the error message you are seeing? VPN says connected, Virtual IP says n/a, VPN disconnects and tries again every 30 seconds.

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

I have the same issue on my Norton Secure VPN. I use Norton 360 and Norton Ultimate also, and all my subscriptions are ok. I sometimes receive Virtual IP, but 30% of the time I can not. Restarting, etc does not help.