I now have to grand additional access for VPN protection for Norton to work, but when I try to allow it, nothing happens.
Is this a problem with the Sonoma OS update?
I now have to grand additional access for VPN protection for Norton to work, but when I try to allow it, nothing happens.
Is this a problem with the Sonoma OS update?
I agree with RK_L, Uninstall/reinstall is the solution Gayatri, really? Why not fix your software instead or add a feature to detect this bug?
Gayathri R ,
Please do an update to this app since it appears widespread across several macOSs. Why cause potentially 100s or more users to uninstall/install the product.
Hi everyone,
We apologise for the inconvenience. If you are experiencing this issue, then please uninstall and reinstall the Norton Device Security app by following the instructions here. Please let us know if the issue persists after the reinstallation. Thank you.
I had this same problem - asking to approve adding a VPN Configuration and then doing nothing when you click Continue. This problem occurred on my Intel Mac Mini, but not on my M1 Macbook Air, both had been updated to Sonoma. Nothing I tried on the Mac Mini worked. Then out of frustration I downloaded the Norton 360 installer, uninstalled the running version of Norton 360 and re-installed it using the recently downloaded installer. You will have to reboot your system as part of the uninstall. I got all the normal requests for approving Disk Access, Network monitoring and the VPN Configuration request. This time however, when I click the Continue, I got the request to Allow the VPN Configuration which I respond to and the system is setup properly. The problem seems to be resolved for me.
Thank you for posting on the Norton Community. We are looking into this issue. Thank you.
Thanks @Nathan Peeters, but this fix is a different issue See the image posted by another person in the thread -- it's this situation where we're stuck in a loop; we've selected "continue" and wait for the "allow," prompt, but it never comes. The additional access for the web extension has already been granted.
This happens because of the update of Norton Secure VPN to
Fix is here:
Make sure you are putting in your Mac Password when pressing Always Allow
After clicking on "Continue" it becomes greyed out and nothing occurs.
Same issue, clicking on "Continue" does nothing using Sonoma 14.1. This is likely a wide-spread Norton problem given this statement from Norton Support:
We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls and chat messages at this time. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience. If you are experiencing an issue with our Norton Secure VPN on Mac, then please uninstall and reinstall the Norton Device Security app by following the instructions here
Clicking on the "here" link redirects to the Uninstall/install the product page. I will await a Norton fix before potential problems before doing this procedure.
I have had and I am still experiencing numerous issues with Norton 360 Select for Macs. This is the worst Norton product I have ever had since using Norton beginning in the 1980s.
This is my first comment since using this product 2.5 years ago since it is obvious Norton and its Mac-savy Gurus (if there are any) do not pay attention to this Mac Community board.
Same problem. I had a on-line chat with a customer support person. No help at all. He wanted to take remote control of my computer. I said no and he had no other suggestions. I suggested uninstalling and reinstalling. His response was try it. This particular support person was worthless.
I have the same issue with Ventura 13.6.1, can't activate VPN and get stuck at the window described above. Can't find any way to get around it. Help please Norton!
I have the same problem and am still running Ventura. If I try to start VPN, I now get a window that says Allow VPN configuration. There is a continue button. I click on it. It appears to accept the click, but nothing happens after that.