I was trying to use the split tunnel feature to exclude some programs from the Norton vpn, and was surprised when it just brought up a file tree. It is not user-friendly to expect laypeople to search for .exe files in the program files folders on their computer. A list of apps to select from would be much easier to utilize.
I'm wondering if this is a feature planned for future releases? As it is, while I like the simplicity otherwise, I can't use the vpn without the split tunnel and I'm not going to go searching for executable files.
I'm not going to go searching for executable files.
Unfortunately, for now, to use that function you do have to search for the .exe file.
This might be a good suggestion for the Product Suggestions board https://community.norton.com/forums/product-suggestions
Be sure you are clicking on the .exe file for the app you want to exclude in the Split Tunnel Feature. ie Thunderbird.exe Not the folder that Thunderbird is in.
Same here, I have to turn off VPN to use a certain app (always). When I try to exclude it from VPN by using split-tunnel when I get to the step after the window opens showing all files and programs I click on the app I want to exclude and that is it nothing happens. Why ?????
I turn on split tunnel and click on the add app button. A window opens but the choices are all files and programs
I click on Thunderbird but nothing happens.