Vulnerability / Delay in Program Control when logging in.

Have noticed a vulnerability / delay in Program Control rules when logging into Windows 8.1 and Norton Security version I have Advanced Program Control OFF and have my own list of Program Control rules.

Within a minute of logging into Windows, any programs that do not have a rule can freely access the internet without any prompts from Norton Security to Allow or Block. Then, after approx one minute, Norton then blocks access and prompts me to choose Allow or Block.

As an example to test this, I use routerstats to monitor my internet connection. It does not have a rule to Allow or Block so Norton Security should really prompt me to Allow or Block. However after I log into Windows and run routerstats, it automatically begins to show router stats without Norton prompting. A minute later, routerstats shows that it has lost connection to my router and I then receive a prompt from Norton to Allow or Block. Once I Allow, the stats start appearing again.

This clearly shows that for a minute or so, things can bypass Program Control. Sounds like a vulnerability to me!