Warning about .. COMODO security solutions ......!!!!
Norton 360 ... can't detect , can't scan. I had a hard time deleted it.
Try Windows ADD/REMOVE Programs several times. Finally I finished removed this bad monster.
Why this thing can disable Norton 360 easily ?
It is started when I just wanna update my Adobe Reader. I thought this is a genuin Adobe File , but it is not.
After I download and installed update Adobe Reader. It asked me to install others ..... like AVG , Whokil .....etc.
I click .. NO .. NO ... NO ..... but this crook installed them all on my computer anyway.
I use Windows ADD/REMOVE Programs deleted and deleted all of them but 1 .... COMODO security solutions .....!!!
This evil will not allow me to uninstall and tell me to ..." Re-start computer to completed un-install "
Oh .... what a tricky. After I restarted my computer , now comes all the completed programs in my computer.
I try to use Norton Quick Scan ... Not Working .... Windows can't uninstall them.
I have System Explorer on my computer and I want to see how many processes related to this Evil.
The COMODO disable System Explorer too....!!!
So, I have to use ... Windows Task Manager ... to end bad processes one after anothers keep coming back again and again.
My guessing was right ... cavwp.exe , cmdagent.exe ... and many others are the problem.
After get rid of ALL , now ... Norton 360 start Quick Scan ... BUT did not find anything ...?
I have no choice and go back and try ... Windows ADD/REMOVE Programs again.
This time its WORKED ...!!! ... I deleted ALL of Them.
How can I protect my computer from the EVIL programs like this?
Norton 360 did not feel anything and allow this program to control Norton 360 easily ....!!!
.......... Help .......!!!