Watch "Zero Days," a Thrilling Look at the Cyber Warfare Stuxnet Virus That Took Down a Nuclear Power Plant

Introducing “Zero Days,” the real-life cyber warfare documentary featuring Symantec cyber-security experts Eric Chien and Liam O’Murchu.

You may have heard about the Stuxnet virus in the media over the years. However, brief news reports don’t even begin to uncover the darkness of this threat. In “Zero Days,” director Alex Gibney takes a deeper look at the sophisticated piece of weapons-grade malware that destroyed a part of an Iranian nuclear facility, as well as help facilitate espionage by spying on its target.

This thrilling documentary discusses the complexity of the virus with Symantec’s very own cyber-security experts Eric Chien and Liam O’Murchu. They discuss how this particular piece of malware was (and still is) unlike anything they have ever seen before, what they learned about it, and how it can change the future of cyber-warfare.

Available July 8th, 2016. You can watch the trailer below:



The documentary will be released in theaters, on demand and on iTunes July 8.