"We encountered an error" window keeps popping up

Apologies. But, I wasn’t addressing anyone on this forum. I just assumed - foolishly it appears - that someone at Symantec might actually take an interest in what it’s subscribing customers were saying on this forum. Looks like they couldn’t care less about fixing this irritating fault. Luckily, I’ll be making sure that I no longer present them with an ongoing problem the next time my sub is due for renewal. Their lives will be so much improved without me as a customer.


I’ve been getting the same error, randomly, no discernible program or app running.
After closing window pops up again constantly with short time intervals…
Under Task manager, minimized all services and unnecessary processes.
Just started to occur within the last 10 days… Currently Jan.3rd, 2025

This irritating issue is happening to me too. Just in the short period spent typing this reply, the error message has popped up THREE TIMES. Same as the rest; Win10 OS. Thinking about ditching Norton. Trying to get some work done… and dont need this BS.

Update; just went to ctrl panel > programs & features > select norton (for uninstall) wherein during the uninstall process a dialogue window opens to repair or uninstall. I selected repair (it ran a couple of minutes for the repair process) and finally re-booted my laptop. Seems as if the problem is fixed. Will leave it here for now. Good luck


Hello I have the problem for some time and will try Marka remeday and will let you know…

the message appaears frequently

Marka’s tip worked for me – I have not seen that irritating message for the past 3 days. (Note: I have just the basic Norton Antivirus (not 360) and my OS is Windows 10.) Thanks Marka!

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Glad to help friend. We’re all in the same boat :slight_smile: Best of luck to you