Web pages taking forever to load

After doing a standard clean up using Utilities Ultimate on Win 11 it is taking forever for web pages to load and YT vids to buffer but my speed is registering over 700mb
Any Ideas?

i think i now what the problem is they are working on 6 major bugs now i reportet them my selv som in system junk som in browser data if you remove the cookies manuel it take all you password it is not good but they is fixing them now but they cant do it all in ones there is possible comming a major 24.3 there is bigger then normal there is fixing som of the bugs and after that the 25.1 is comming and fixing the last of the problem i can give you som of the problem if you whant to but just take it easy thay is working on them ass fast ass possible so if you whant to remove the browser data do it in the browser to the patch is comming all the bugs is higest level so it is not small bugs
you can do it manuel but just not add the cookes and all is working ok and the intire system junk dont work

Thank you globus5000

I have uninstalled chrome restarted my laptop and reinstalled chrome, it seems to be a little faster now, I will wait and see what they do.

the browser data manuel and auto is easy to fix so it is possible comming in the 24.3 the system junk is also easy the rest is not easy to fix so it is possible first comming in the 24.4 but i dont think there is comming a 24.4 that is possible the 25.1 i dont think they can fix the 6 major bugs in 6 mounts and name it 25.1 so the 24.3 is comming but it depends on how lucky they are to fix the problem

there are also a bug in the driver updater that is also a easy fix the rest is not a easy fix becures that is much down in the code but i dont now how easy it is to fix the driver updater and system junk but i think it is much easy so it is only the hard one there is not getting fix in the next major and maybe the driver updater and system junk bug also is getting fix but the dashboard and auto clean is not easy fix they is hard to fix becures they need deep down in the code to fixit the system junk is possible getting fix becures they can make it bigger and enable the already clean also that is what is comming in the next patch ore they is stupid and also adding a officiel driver updater and maybe more possible a ram reclamer and other nice thing is possible first comming in the next patch after 24.3 ore 25.1 i dont now how big it is going to be

there is a new update to norton utilities out but i dont now yet what there i change i dont think it is som major changes but is i find out i will form you but i can also be a easy update to make room to a other more miner patch ore a major patch like a 24.3 it is only to fix the produckt and som new think to say im sorry

there is one miner patch out now possible to fix the last scan bug it could be a effect to the 6 major bug