My son tried to access websites that were blocked as “shopping” sites. I allowed those sites through the web tab and they are showing “Allow this site” marked (I made the change about 36hrs ago) but the websites are still being blocked as “shopping” sites. (The sites are and
My son tried to access websites that were blocked as “shopping” sites. I allowed those sites through the web tab and they are showing “Allow this site” marked (I made the change about 36hrs ago) but the websites are still being blocked as “shopping” sites. (The sites are and
I had marked "Allow this site" and clicked on Update Settings and "Allow this site" was saved. But the site was still blocked.
I just went under the Settings menu and added it to the "Specific sites to allow" list (it was not there).
The page is now being allowed.
So the "Allow this site" and Update Settings was not sufficient - had to also "allow" it under the Settings menu. Should be one or the other.
If you mark "Allow this site" and click on Update Settings under Activity then the specific Web site automatically gets added to "Specific Web sites to allow" list under Settings menu.
Note: If you have multiple children then please note that "Allow this site" and clicking on Update Settings under "Activity" of a child will add the site to "Specific Web sites to allow" list of the same child's Settings menu and only that child. It won't effect Settings of any other child.
"Allow this site" and Update Settings will be enough to whitelist a site. Could you please try following steps:
1) Delete entry from "Specific Web sites to allow" list which appears under Settins menu
2) Go to Activity, expand the activity related to that says "Blocked Web site visited", mark "Allow this site" and click on UPDATE SETTINGS button.
3) Go to "Specific Web sites to allow" list under Settings menu.
4) You should see as an item listed under "Specific Web sites to allow".
If the site is not listed then please answer the following questions:
i) What is the color of text before and after clicking UPDATE SETTINGS button at step 2.
ii) Version of Web Browser (used to perform the above steps)
iii) Version of Operating System (used to perform above steps)
iv) Any other information that you think can help us in resolving this issue
1) Delete entry from "Specific Web sites to allow" list which appears under Settins menu
2) Go to Activity, expand the activity related to that says "Blocked Web site visited", mark "Allow this site" and click on UPDATE SETTINGS button.
The activity yesterday that was blocked yesterday for is still red text. "Allow this site" is still marked with a green button.
The activity for today for that was allowed today is black text. The only two options are
Block siteBlock all categories this site belongs to
And Block site is marked with a green button.
I have gone to the blocked activity, re-selected "Allow this site" and clicked on Update Settings.
3) Go to "Specific Web sites to allow" list under Settings menu.
4) You should see as an item listed under "Specific Web sites to allow".
Yes, it is there now. For some reason that didn't work yesterday. (Note in my first post and this post that "Allow this site" was marked when it was still being blocked.)
Using Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows 7 RC (son's computer is IE7 on Windows XP Professional)
I am glad to know it is working now as expected.
Please note that "Allow this site" (or any selected radio button) under "Activity" does not indicate present settings of your child. It is just a proactive default selection, in case you may like to apply it. The Activity pane is just to report what is happening on your child's PC and to allow you to take decisions. To know his present settings (rules), you should always rely on Settings menu only.
Note: A regular activity that does not require your immediate attention appears in black. An activity that expects your attention or action will appear in red (like violation activities). A "Blocked Web site visited" activity will appear in red till you take an action (like selecting radio button "Allow this site" and clicking on UPDATE SETTINGS). Then it becomes black.
Let us know if that solves the issue you have been facing.