Weird popups and links on google and yahoo go to other websites not ones searched for

I have windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 service Pack 3


Just last night I started getting weird popups  every so often between browsing sites. I did the typical full scan


I used to have Nortan systemworks 2003 which was updated often with current Definition Updates.  However it only picked up a few Trojans but it fixed the issue. However the pop ups were still there. I even turned on the popup blocker set it to high and they still popped up.  I asked my wife if anything weird happened recently and she early this week said there was this one window that popped up that was long and skinny said there was a Trojan Virus and to click here to remove it. Well she did (she clicked “ok”) because she couldn’t close the window.  Well I guess that is where it came from.


Anyhow even though I did the full scan the Norton System works 2003 found nothing.  I still had weird windows popping up and would that send me to sites like


all sorts of sites. I started blocking the sites thought restricting it though the properties in Internet Security Properties but all that did was prolong another one from coming up.


Then I cleared all my Temporary, Cookies, History etc and did another scan for the heck of it. It didn’t find anything but still had the same problem.


I also would try doing searches on Yahoo and Google for main stream websites like GM, YouTube,  MTV, XM Radio, Facebook or Myspace. When the search would come up and I would click on the link to go to one of those sites it would sometimes go there but sooner or later the link would redirect me to one of the above sites.


I did notice before the direct to those sites they would often show an icon that looked sort of like a Z or 2 in the url address window right before the http:. Plus it would flash so quick you would hardly be able to tell that another site was popping up before you saw the site it landed on which were ones like the ones above.  However I was able to catch a few of the sites that it came from because my computer was working so slow.


They were the following address





I don’t know if any of this mean anything but I know it was not normal for an IP to be right before a site which are probably legit websites. 


Btw this does this in Internet Explorer 7.0 so I upgraded to 8.0 and it still does this. it also happens in Firefox as well.


So anyhow I decided to uninstall my current Norton System Works 2003 by using the normal Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel and installed the Norton Systems Works 2008 which I had on my computer before but I put 2003 back in because I was having shut down issues. Anyhow after doing a full scan with Definition Updates the 2008 version was able to find a Tracking Cookie which it said it quarantined and it never said anything else was wrong with it.  So I scanned it in Safe Mode and it still found nothing.


I still get the same thing popping up. However now I get a google search that pops up in a window that says a searched for “Sorry, but service temporarily unavailable.” The link is


even when posting this message i got a weird popup that went to some site then switched to the symantic store website!


anyhow I am not to sure what do to do now. any help would be great.

 thanks in advance.


<<Edit: Disabled active links to unknown websites>>

Message Edited by TomV on 11-30-2009 12:59 AM