What are the future for Partition Magic

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At this time, there are no plans to update Partition Magic. I apologize for the inconvenience; please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

I find it extremely hard to believe that a company like yours, which has purchased an extremely needed product (ie. Partition Magic) now has no plans for an upgrade.  Here we have Vista which has huge problems and falls short in the movement of partitions which contain data and even without data when certain conditions exist.  I have used Partition Magic since version 4 when I felt the product had finally reached stability.  I have found that the program always worked as advertised as long as the user worked within the parameters of the program and used common sense when moving, expanding, or shrinking partitions.  Now Sata has arrived and with it has arrived drives of a much larger size are becoming common.  COME ON GUYS!!!  WE NEED A NEW VERSION OF PARTITION MAGIC.

I'm on old PM devotee too but I suspect that part of the reason for not developing further for VISTA is that VISTA itself does have built in the ability to shrink an existing partition without damaging data and then to create a new partition in the free space. Many people may not need more than that basic function.


And the other factor is that there are two alternative tools that are as fully functioned as PM8 so far as I know and which do work on VISTA. So Symantec may have decided that there is no room for a third -- it would look as if they bought PowerQuest for the imaging engine.


A shame but I guess that's life ....


In today's world I'd rather they concentrate on security!

There are quite a few functions that Vista does not supply, and the Vista “expand” and “shrink” functions are pitiful.  What are the other two products you refer to that do what PM does?  I haven’t found anything out there that does EVERYthing that PM does, and frankly, I also am dumbfounded that Symantec didn’t continue this product.  Vista just doesn’t cut it.

I gave you a personal guess as to a reason.


I'm sure you will find what is at present available commercially for disk partitioning if you use Google -- and can then compare with it with what you need.