What does "WDPlugIn.dll is missing a file" mean?

I saw the above message one time for 1 of our computers.  I think I was on that computer at the time that this was reported.  What could cause that, and what is the impact?

I saw the above message one time for 1 of our computers.  I think I was on that computer at the time that this was reported.  What could cause that, and what is the impact?

I noticed the message online under recent alerts (I like the new layout, by the way):


12/8/09 6:58 PM : WDPlugIn.dll is missing a file [xyz computer]


I'm not sure of the version of NSM on that computer - I'll check tonight.


I didn't notice any errors, but I was logged in via a unmonitored account.

The WDPlugin is used for the browser, both IE and Firefox. This is to allow our service to figure out what sites your child is visiting.


If for some reason the install did not install properly or you disabled the plugins in the browser you would get this message.



Message Edited by Matt_Boucher on 12-09-2009 03:09 PM

NSM has been on that PC for months.  Could this have occured due to an automatic update of NSM or a Microsoft Automatic Update of IE?

That PC does not have FireFox.  I wasn't disabling any plugins at the time.


Thankfully this was a one time occurence.  I'll check tonight that NSM is running correctly.  Hopefully this is one of the "rare" computer glitches.

it is running NSM

I’m having the same problem. I uninstalled and then reinstalled the newest version of NSM last night (12/9/09), but I still get the message whenever the kids sign on the computer. Any thoughts?

Hi Johnheer,


Please make sure the Norton Safety Minder plugins in the browser is enabled. 


Browser ->Tools -> Manage Add-ons and check if Norton Safety Minder is enabled.





I just got this tonight on my laptop:


12/15/09 9:49 PM : WDPlugIn.dll is missing a file [Ray's laptop]

I was sitting in front of the laptop the whole time.  I think this may have been just a timing issue since I had to reboot prior due to uninstalling ThreatFire.

Hello rjrizzuto,


Can you keep us informed?  You can check if the WDPlugin.dll by the browser by following KatieQ's suggestion.


Browser ->Tools -> Manage Add-ons


What browsers are using?  IE/Firefox/Chrome... 




Henry Su 

I'm using IE.  The last time this was on my laptop, IE 8.  I verified that Norton Safety monitor was enabled:


Name:                   Symantec Norton Safety Minder BHO
Publisher:              Symantec Corporation
Type:                   Browser Helper Object
Version:                2009.7.0.0
File date:             
Date last accessed:     Today, December 20, 2009, 2 minutes ago
Class ID:               {B8E07826-0971-4F16-B133-047B88034E89}
Use count:              3382
Block count:            409
File:                   CoIEPlg.dll
Folder:                 C:\Program Files\Norton Online\AddOns\Norton Safety Minder\Engine\