What is explorer.exe.000?

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

The .000 version of that file comes in one of the Windows service packs but I don’t believe that you should ever see it running. Where are you seeing this on your disk? What brought your attention to this particular file?

 when i have been looking in my norton logs network connections explorer.exe has been in there connecting to the internet,along with rundll32,spoolsv so i did a search in windows and it come up with a list of explorer .exe some in blue?anyway when i opened it explorer.exe.000 it was the only one that opened into the net then came a pop up saying windows cannot open this file.i’m not to good on all the tech speak,so can you make any answers in easy to understand language(thanks) also i have recently down loaded sp3 and during that time norton found ctfmon as a keylogger.i have a ton of questons,i have googled alot but as i’m learning alot of normal apllications can be either virus or application and as a new user it is hard to work out the differance between the 2,and of course understanding the language of pc.so thanks for any help.and please have patience with me.

So, if I interpret this correctly, you did a search on your drive and found the explorer.exe.000 file and then tried to "open" it.


What folder was this file found in? Regardless of the location, I suspect that this was just a storage location for the file before (or after) the service pack was applied. Microsoft never intended anybody to try running (opening) this file while in that location.

hi reese

it was explorer.exe.000 C:\windows\$ntservicepackuninstall$ and it was in the firewalls log that the other stuff was happening.i appreciate that us newer computer users must ask the dumbest questons.i think as a new user and trying to understand a medium that i'm not familiar with takes time.so i do thank all who try to help me with getting to understand the realm of the pc.And it gives my brother a break from asking him LOL.thanks norton for this forum.



From the location you cited, it would appear that Reese was correct. It is (was) part of a Service Pack and in this case in the uninstaller package. It appears to be a legitimate file.


In your earlier post, you mentioned that it was in "blue text".  That means that you have your "hidden files" showing. Do not take offense at this, but since you admit that you are new to PC's, you should not have those folders and files showing - they can get you into a world of trouble.


Until you become proficient with the PC, be sure all of your hidden files stay hidden by going to "Start" > "Control Panel" > "Folder Options" and then click on the "View" tab. Check the box that says "Do not show hidden files and folders" then, click Okay.


Best Wishes,






thanks phil

no offence taken,i asked a queston you guys helped with the answer,straight to the point.

didnt realise the hidden files were showing .thanks again.does anyone have a suggested book to understand pc basics in plain language.i do have the xp dummies book.

hi phil

re the hidden files,i did what you said and the files still come up with blue text.3 of them.any ideas?

Did they come up during a search or when you were just “exploring” around?

hi all,i’m new to the world of the pc.so still in the paranoid new user mode.would like to know if this is a normal file etc thanks



As Phil and others have indicated those files in uninstall locations relate to uninstalling at a later date.


For example some of Windows updates will update a specific file -- or offer you Internet Explorer as an upgrade to Internet Explorer 6 -- and when they do so the keep the old file(s) that has been replaced.


Then if you go to Uninstall the update -- you want to revert to Internet Explorer 6 to take a simple example -- you go to Add/Remove Programs (in XP) or Uninstall Programs (in VISTA) and tell it to uninstall. It then removes IE7 and reinstalls IE6 from the folder it created when you installed IE7.


Similarly with other updates from Windows where you might need to uninstall an update because something is going wrong.


Some people will come across these folders with peculiar names and totalling perhaps several GBs of storage space and want to get rid of them to save hard drive space but these days with large hard drives it is best to resist the temptation and leave Windows alone!


Sorry to go on but I thought you could be interested in the background.


The good news is you asked first .... <g>

when i was doing a search.when i go “exploring” i usually do a look and do not touch approach other than do a norton right click scan,on any file i’m not sure of(which in reality is quite alot LOL)another side to the exeplorer.exe.000 it has a small file icon next to it where the others have a small pc image ,there were others which had the internet E next to them ,but now they have all dissapered (the internet E)i hope i’m not clouding the issue.i’m fairly confident in the answers i am getting that all is ok.but i suppose i’m just checking the behaviours of differant files etc as to what is a normal behaviour and what isnt.

thanks huwyngr

these are the answers that i need in plain language,that wont overstretch the grey matter!

Seems to me that you are going about learning the innards of Windows in a sensible way – look, query, don’t do anything without knowing what it will actually do and whether you can get back if it doesn’t do what you want.

Glad it was helpful – see my reply to your other message that I answered before realizing you were actually replying to someone else!



Generally "explorer.exe" is the Windows Program manger which runs your graphical shell. In other words, it makes the Windows user interface (desktop, start menu, etc.) work, but please tell us where you are seeing it - that will be the final determination if it is legit.


Is everything functioning okay on your computer?

Message Edited by Phil_D on 08-22-2008 10:21 AM