What is the issue?

I have a website for online medicine named City Live Anex. I want to know if I can know what are the problems with my website from Norton.



https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=https://cityliveanex.com/ = Safe -> Business/Economy


Dispute submitted successfully

https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=https://cityliveanex.com/ = Caution -> Suspicious

Sites considered to have suspicious content and/or intent that poses an elevated security or privacy risk. This categorization is determined by analysis of web reputation factors. Also includes sites that are part of the Web and email spam ecosystem. If a site is determined to be clearly malicious or benign, it will be placed in a different category.

Norton Safe Web analyzes and rates websites to see how they affect your device.

As a site owner or a site visitor, you can submit the website for the Norton Safe Web rating evaluation.

Please follow the steps below for site rating dispute:

  1. Go to https://safeweb.norton.com
  2. Enter the website you want us to evaluate in the search field and press Enter
  3. Click on "Click here to submit a dispute"
  4. Enter the required details in the form and click on Submit button 


Dispute resolution could take up to 2 days and you will receive email notification:

Use this form to submit URL which you believe is incorrectly classified by Norton -
Safe Web URL submission portal - https://submit.norton.com/?type=URL

SafeWeb rating of the submitted website will be evaluated within the next 48 hours:

Site owners

If you are a website owner, Norton Safe Web can work with you to provide a safe environment for internet users.
