What is wscstub.exe for and why does it try so many times to connect online.


      I have been searching for information about wscstub.exe. Every forum i have been on just gives brief info about it being safe and its part of Norton's software. I have the latest Norton Anti Virus installed and what i would like to know is, what exactly does this program do. Does it gather information and send it back to Symantec? Why does it keep wanting to connect to the internet many every 5 minutes or so. I find it a bit suspicious that my firewall never detected wscstub.exe wanting to connect to the internet for months untill there were some Microsoft Windows updates installed, also i find it suspicious as wscstub.exe doesn't affect Norton in any way when i block it. I can still scan, Norton still monitors my computer, and Norton can still update itself. Back when wscstub.exe first kept trying to connect on a daily basis, i would block it as i found Firefox would run a little sluggish when allowing wscstub.exe internet access. After a week or so wscstub.exe stopped trying to connect to the internet and the next couple of months were free of wscstub.exe wanting internet access until i installed Microsoft's July critical updates. My son has blocked it totally from connecting to the internet on his computer and all is running ok, so what gives with this file? Is it spying on us or gathering information cause it sure acts like it is.