WHAT to do? Neighbors are hackers?

What should a person do if in this situation:
I currently have DSL from AT&T however nearly every weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) all of my neighbors and myself find that our ISP, DHCP changes and our internet becomes 'static' or goes IN and OUT.  Two blocks from our home is a AT&T 'hub' or box where everyones phone and internet are plugged in. Each and every weekend we see two guys that are in trucks that are 'working' on the communitys/AT&T box/hub. Myself and neighbors have watched these guys for hours on end and all they really do is plug their computers into the hub and start doing things we have not a clue as to what they do BUT each and every single person in my neighborhood have had their credit cards/ID stolen in the past 13months (there are 9homes on my block and all 9 of those homes is what I speak of on ID's stolen)
IF we use 'Google Chrome' or Norton 360 we get warnings saying 'WARNING this site is not safe....' ---ANYWAY we do not believe that these guys are from AT&T at all but are 'hacker' type people (the trucks they drive in do not say AT&T on them-they are unMarked).  We believe these guys are 'hacking' into each of our internet accounts.  Again internet/phones seem to work fine/perfect except for weekends and during those weekends there are the two guys 'working on the box' - sometimes they will park their trucks at the 'hub' from 4pm will 2am and remain in their truck the entire time.  This has occured now for OVER ONE YEAR and it happens ONLY on weekends and every single person on my block have had our creditcards/ID stolen over the course of one year.
What should a person do if in this situation:
I currently have DSL from AT&T however nearly every weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) all of my neighbors and myself find that our ISP, DHCP changes and our internet becomes 'static' or goes IN and OUT.  Two blocks from our home is a AT&T 'hub' or box where everyones phone and internet are plugged in. Each and every weekend we see two guys that are in trucks that are 'working' on the communitys/AT&T box/hub. Myself and neighbors have watched these guys for hours on end and all they really do is plug their computers into the hub and start doing things we have not a clue as to what they do BUT each and every single person in my neighborhood have had their credit cards/ID stolen in the past 13months (there are 9homes on my block and all 9 of those homes is what I speak of on ID's stolen)
IF we use 'Google Chrome' or Norton 360 we get warnings saying 'WARNING this site is not safe....' ---ANYWAY we do not believe that these guys are from AT&T at all but are 'hacker' type people (the trucks they drive in do not say AT&T on them-they are unMarked).  We believe these guys are 'hacking' into each of our internet accounts.  Again internet/phones seem to work fine/perfect except for weekends and during those weekends there are the two guys 'working on the box' - sometimes they will park their trucks at the 'hub' from 4pm will 2am and remain in their truck the entire time.  This has occured now for OVER ONE YEAR and it happens ONLY on weekends and every single person on my block have had our creditcards/ID stolen over the course of one year.

I will second the above advice

file a report as soon as possible and have every one who has suffered loss have their name and details included in that report.

[there's a reason I chose my avatar]


Have you notified AT&T -- a year of stolen credit card information seems a long time to do nothing about!



 We have notified AT&T internet services three times but they never do anything, not follow ups no questions they ask any of us.

Two different neighbors and myself did start going down and taking PICTURES of the 'repair guys' each weekend for a few weekends and noticed this: That one of the guys works for the local city and visits our neighbor which is a COX CABLE guy (the guy in questions, the repair guy drives a city vechile as well as a unlabled 'repair truck') SOOOOOOOOOOO we thought "well maybe...just maybe a 'police thing' is going on in the community and so maybe they are monitoring some neighbor for some reason???' - And twice we have seen these two guys riding on 4-Wheelers 'working' on our local ATT 'Hub'/box using their flashlights and riding their 4-wheelers and two weeks ago or so (April 23, 2013) my neighbor and myself found our PAY PAL accounts had been 'hacked' and paypal bankaccounts and address had been changed to where we both now 'have bank accounts and home addresses in Kentucky instead of our 'real' address/bank accounts).

So with this, we are kinda afraid that maybe this is a 'police thing' or maybe its our neighbor and his friends because he is a COX CABLE person and installs satelittes also.  Hate to make accusations against neighbors and certainly not against city officials. (Accusing city officials even with they are guilty----comes with a PRICE TO PAY---corruption even in local govt is rampted).

SO would you guys still do the same thing?  I was hoping maybe there was a 'special att INVESTIGATIVE phone number' or something like that?  My friend says maybe someone down the road has a 'community server' that we are all going thru and this person is taking advantage of all of us?

I OPEN TO ALL IDEA's.....Also does this from Norton mean anything:

SEVERAL 'Statistical Submissions' being submitted to Norton like: 'WS.Torjan.H Exonerated'"winxpgui.pyd exonerated' (for both of us neighbors and both of us have had Norton for months now and now Norton is finding somewhere OVER 100 plus of these ''WS...Exonerated' submissions in the past 30hours alone n we have had NORTON 360 for months now and never had this been happening in those 3months...

I bought the NORTON 360 multi-device (5 devices) so neighbors could all have the same thing as me--cause of our credit cards and PayPal accounts all being 'hacked' and CreditCards being used for online purchases we didn't do

This all happens continually (within 10minutes):

'Protecting newly detecked network (IP fe80::2cae:1847:3f:feae%13%)--then--'Connected to protected network ( 'Connected to restriced network (00 25 3C 0D D7 A9) then 'NewNetwork being protected" IP 9ca5:d1b9:444:885e%12 ---then 'IP Address is now is ::1-due to softward loopback Interface 1) - then 'ON n ON - continually new numbers...

and 'IP address has disappeared net work not being protected, then it is being protected with these new networks and DCHP changes' 'Number has changed from 1 to 0 and then 0 to 1) and again nearly 100 of these happening in less than 15minutes

Surely this isn't 'normal' either is it?

AGAIN....out of 10neighbors that experiences this EVERY WEEKEND and ALL have had ID's stolen...out of the 10 ---6say 'somethings up but what to do' and 4 say 'You 6 are parinoid---these things just happen'.

WHAT WOULD DO? Still contact police?


I would call the police the next time there is someone at the AT&T box. Explain that someone is tampering with the box and have the police check for company ID.




Notifying the police might be good, but record what you see as evidence,to just have others "to say" your words does not really hold up in court.  Those "hackers" might have logs that they are at work, so get evidence.

Do the same if you notify your ISP.  Evidence is the Only thing to prove your words.

If they are doing this without hiding, then they have some "back-up" plan.

It would seem suspicious that AT&T would send somebody there to work, if there is nothing reported.  Get evidence before you do anything.

So far as "getting evidence" is concerned I would urge extreme caution. IF they are criminals and see people recording their presence they might have a bad enough record to, in their minds, resort to violence on the individual.


That several people are concerned at what is happening should be evidence enough for a report to be taken reasonably seriously if made calmly and with explanation.


It is not correct to say  that AT&T staff would not be their if whoever was spoken to was not aware of reported problems -- it could be maintenance, increasing capacity or any of a number of things that the people you speak to when reporting your own problems know about.


I had a situation some years ago with Brighthouse who we use for TV and Internet where I was having internet connection problems but the TV was OK when I phoned the number for customer service on the account and was told that they would begin by sending someone to check out my TV (I said that's OK -- it's my computer but it made no difference) and they would book it for the next free time in 2 days !!!!!


I got that booked and called the local number I had for the internet technical support and explained what was happening. "Hold on a moment while I check the network map" ..... "OK I see we have 9 modems down in your street -- we will get an emergency crew out immediately"


By the time I went out to the grocery store there was one truck at the street corner and the technician said he was waiting for a second truck to bring him a component he didn't have. By the time I got back they were both there dealing with it and a couple of hours later they had us back to normal.


I took pleasure in phoning customer "service" and cancelling the appointment for the day after the next ....


I did get a useful tip -- if you have a problem with cable TV or Internet check your neighbors and if they have it get them to call in since, for Brighthouse asnyway, more than 4 calls in a neighborhood gets automatic priority treatment.


Sorry for the diversion but what I'm saying is don't jump to conclusions and don't totally discount the possibility of sheer coincidence!


One thought -- in your area the FBI probably has a local office and since interfering with communications is probably a federal offence they might be more interested than the local police .... and might even be looking for more evidence on a current investigation.