I have seen quite a few messages reporting the problem that Internet Messenger is being used but not logged by NOF. I have also seen the response that the latest version is not currently monitored. But when will it be? I have not seen IM monitoring by NOF for some months with the exception of a brief period when one of my kids had to switch back to a machine which had not yet been updated. As soon as the automatic update kicked in (which users on a limited account can do without admin permission) the monitoring stopped. Monitoring the amount of IM usage was one of my major ways of knowing how much attention was/wasn't being paid to homework.
Hi dgardner,
What are the clients of Instant Messengers and version numbers, (ex Yahoo Messenger, or Windows Live Messenger) being used on the PC?
I am not too sure what information you need. when you say "clients of Instant Messengers" are you refering to the software producer?
When you say "ex....." does that mean except those ones?
So what am I looking for?
I assume that to provide this information I have to go to the children's computer and take a look. I just did that this morning to answer a question about the version of OFM, if I go again now it will seem quite intrusive. It is not that my children don't know they are being monitored but I don't want to be too in their face about it. Plus if I keep going to look they will know something is not working and that might make them bolder.
The only information I can provide without taking a look on their computers is they have Windows Live accounts and the messenger verison automatically updates without needing my administrator password. At one point their IM activity was monitored and now it is not. I am assuming it is because thier IM version has updated.
Thanks for the post. You've answered my question. You have Windows Live Messenger installed. I was asking you if you have Yahoo Messenger, NSM Messenger, AIM....etc installed on the PC.
OnlineFamily.Norton supports following Instant Messengers to monitor Instant Messaging activity for your child:
• Yahoo Messenger
• MSN Messenger
• Windows Live Messenger (The program doesn't support the 2011 Windows Live Messenger client currently)
• AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) - (Note: AIM 7.0 is currently not supported.)
• Google Talk
Note: OnlineFamily.Norton does not support Web browser based clients of Instant Messengers listed above. Currently, OnlineFamily.Norton supports Instant Messengers only on Windows. Instant Messengers on Mac are not supported.
Katie thanks for helping me clarify my question.
So the quesiton is when will 2011 Windows Live Messenger be monitored?
It seems that every kid using Windows Live Messenger will update so it will become increasingly important.
I believe in the case of my kids they received a message from Windows Live telling them they had to upgrade. They did and I lost the capability to monitor their activity.
Our management team is currently checking into the Instant Messenger and chat feature and prioritizing enhancement requests to be development.
Thanks Katie that's good to know. I am sure a lot of subscribers are looking forward to it because we have lost touch with our kids' use of IM.
Hi Katie,
I'd asked this same question about a month earlier! ... Do we have any updates as to when Messenger 2011 will be supported? It's an IM that has been in common usage for more than 6 months now.
I consider this (and similar applications) to be the most important ones to be monitored so if i can't monitor them via Norton, i'll have to find another alternative.
Can we please have a date of when this will be supported?
Hi Katie,
Two weeks later.....are there any updates?
Is there a way to find out what the latest enhancement has been?