I just opened my e-mail client Outlook 2010 on my laptop. I don't often check emails on my laptop because I work mainly from my desktop. However, while it was downloading all the old e-mails from the server, Norton popped up a security message telling me it had detected trojan.ransomlock.g. When I clicked on the link for more information, nothing happened. I opened the Norton dashboard and went into the security history. Sure enough, the event was listed there, so I clicked on it. It didn't really tell me much. Just that the severity level was "info", and the file name was img_0389(copy).jpg.exe. What I really wanted to know, though, was the e-mail body, header and/or subject line, and which e-mail account it was sent to. The reason I want to know this is because the same e-mail might have been previously downloaded to my desktop without me realizing it. I have a different security suite on the desktop, and nothing was flagged. I'm not even sure it monitors incoming e-mail.