Why can't I reply to posts on here?

I'm aware that posts may get closed for comment - at which point there is a helpful statement at the foot of the thread.

The FAQs say that there should be a text box at the bottom of the post for me to type a reply into - but none appears on any post.

I have just joined...so thought maybe there is an un-mentioned delay before I can contribute?


I had a similar problem, found that even though I was logged in to Norton website, I had to log in again for forums. This happened even though I could view my own profile on here.


but it happened on another thread just tonight.

care to share thread URL?  

I have a 4th option to add to your 3.  #4 The reply box shows at the bottom, just like where I'm typing now, I type a reply, click save (weird, should be post or something like that), then get an error message saying "you are not authorized to reply".  Why am I not authorized to reply to messages?  Hopefully this one lets me.  We'll see if it posts, but it happened on another thread just tonight.

here's an exception
Posted: 18-Jul-2023 -- not closed, at this time


Here is the post although it might appear different to others. Here is a screenshot:


I C the same.  Appears, no one replied to that topic.   
I image the topic went dormant.   
~ active threads, by my notice, close after 30 days no activity. 
~ there may be exceptions.

Here is the example that prompted my post. I have the same issue and wanted to add to an existing discussion rather then create a new one. 

The 'closed' text doesn't appear, but neither does a reply box.  Possibly this is why no-one has replied, even though this seems like quite a fundamental and major flaw...

I'm still trying to get to grips with how to post stuff, so apologies if this is a bit clunky. 

Here is the post although it might appear different to others. Here is a screenshot:

So for me there seems to be 3 classes of post: a) those that are closed, with closed text at the foot. b) those that would appear to still be open, but are not commentable, because no comment box appears c) this post.

care to share example for b) 
your new status may be causal for b)

Yes thanks, I had understood the principles. It’s interesting that I can reply to this post at least!
My point was exactly, that all posts (apart from this one apparently) that appear to be still open, by virtue of the fact that they don’t have the ‘this thread is closed’ text at the bottom of them, are still not commentable by me, because they don’t have a comment box at the bottom.
So for me there seems to be 3 classes of post:
a) those that are closed, with closed text at the foot.
b) those that would appear to still be open, but are not commentable, because no comment box appears
c) this post.

at the bottom of a closed thread...

after Last Comment in an open thread.  You'll see Add Reply.