Why cant Norton get this right????

As a technology professional I am loosing my faith in Norton.  The problems with Identify Safe are very very frustrating.  One week it works the next it does not.  Always some sort of problem with filling in, the tool bar etc.

As I have mentioned in the past....if you cant get this product stable, then for the love of God, why dont you at least re write the module stripping out all the stupid BS that makes it difficult to use and make it super streamlined so that at the VERY LEAST, when vault does not work and has hiccups, it is EASY AND FAST TO GO INTO THE VAULT and find a user id and password.

Right now it is REDICULOUSLY SLOW!!!  Just to open...all the STUPID fancy graphics and BS, then when you enter your site you want the user id and pass for...there is a SIGNIFICANT DELAY before it accepts the entry, then to SCROLL DOWN ALL THE OPTIONS, MORE DELAYS waiting for it to scroll a page at a time.  IN FACT I found a way to scroll it faster....If it is not on that page then IMMEDIATELY roll the mouse scroll button and you will get the next page immediately....if you do not scroll right away then you are stuck waiting for some STUPID delay...for what reason WHO THE HE** KNOWS!!!


I have no idea how norton does its testing, but this is REALLY REALLY SAD guys!  As a former developer you all should be ASHAMED with this product.

Now for my LATEST PROBLEMS....several weeks ago I began noticing problems with new website designs login pages. Yep more IDIOTS who cant keep things simple and have to MUCK UP everything by making login screens look "prettier".  So now I am having trouble on login screens such as CITI, CAPITAL ONE and this week, EBAY AND PAYPAL.  for the first two, I dont even get a user ID half the time and when it does fill it in, when I enter it is as if there is nothing in the fields, and I learned a trick to OVERTYPE the YELLOW norton area...over typing the user and password and then it works!!!

As for Ebay and Paypal I am NO LONGER getting my multiple login pull down menu.

I have the latest Chrome, and I have the latest extentions.  Usually in the past a reboot would resolve this....NO MORE!!!!  Now I have to fill in my own passwords.


Anyone have any magic crystals or potions that I can use with my Norton to make this dam& software work????