I'm using Ghost 15 to upgrade my stock 80 gig hard drive to a 500 gig hard drive on my compaq laptop. I followed the recommendation in another forum post to backup my original HD to an external drive, created a boot disc, then installed the new HD and restore.
I wanted to allocate 100 gig to the primary partition with the balance partitioned to a separate drive. In the restore process I selected most of the options (make disc bootable, resize after recovery 100gig, copy master boot, etc.). It restored just fine and the computer is running. However, I now have a 66gig unallocated partition in the front of my drive, a 100gig primary partition (new C drive), and a 300 gig unallocated partition at the back of the drive. Coincidentally, the 66 gigs was the original size of the data on my original drive.
What did I do wrong and how do I fix it? I tried loading partition wizard, but it won't let me combine the two unallocated partitions. I can simply start over if I can figure out a way to format the drive. But, being that it is on a laptop, I can't install two drives internal drives at the same time. Any help would be appreciated.