I have Norton Internet Security Suite. I upgraded from 2009 to version
I went to http://s2.music.mud.yahoo.com/search/. I've been to this site before without any problems.
After a few minutes on the site a window appeared that said I didn't have antivirus software. It also said that I was infected and that I should click YES and download a fix. Obviously, I clicked NO. BUT a file started downloading anyway. I tried to stop it. I ended up shutting my computer down before the download was complete. I ran Norton scan when I turned the computer back on but it found no threats.
All "Settings" are green and the Norton logo at the top of my desktop says "Secure"
I did change the Sonar Advanced Mode to "remove advanced detections automatically". It was set to "remove advanced detections when I'm away". I doubt that this would have made a difference.
Why didn't Norton stop this attack? Why didn't it stop the pop-up of this "virus warning window" or stop the download of this malicious file?
What's the disadvantage of setting the Sonar Mode to "remove automatically"? Thanks.