Chrome version: 33.0.1750.146 m
It never fails that while saving a picture from the web using Chrome, Identity Safe crashes. This happens ALL THE TIME!!! Considering this whole problem between Chrome and Identity Safe has been going on ever since ID Safe was moved solely to the cloud, you'd think there would be some type of fix available by now. So far, I have yet to find any browser where ID Safe works properly. Not in IE, Firefox or Chrome. My guess is that is probably the case with Safari and Opera also if it can even be used with them. As a Norton Beta tester, I still find it upsetting that despite the wide response from the testers not to move ID Safe solely to the cloud Norton did it anyway claiming it was in the "best interest of the users". Ever since that act of ignorance ID Safe has been one big failure and disappointment. Luckily, ID Safe is no longer the only credentials keeper available. Unfortunately most of them are also cloud based.