Since early 2013 there's been an Optional hardware update in my Windows Update that I've been wondering about:
<< AMD - Other hardware, Storage Controller - AMD SATA Controller released in March, 2013 >>
that I left uninstalled, like most Optionals I get, partly because I never got around to asking about it and partly because neither of the links for more information that Microsoft supplies produced more than We don't have any information ....
Just got an out of sequence update to IE -- KB3025390 -- that corrects problems (more) caused by KB 3008923, decided while I was there to Google on the description of the AMD update as above and spotted this:
AMD SATA Driver update causes PC to not boot
Really glad I didn't .... now it's deleted from the "suggestions".
PS: Yes I set my Windows Updates to only let me know of Updates and not to Download or Install unless I request it .....